"Channable is a great tool for Performance Marketers"
Branche: Marketing
Disziplin: Amazon PPC, SEA, Social Media
Einladung durch OMKB. Dem Reviewer wurde ein Incentive für die Abgabe einer Bewertung angeboten.
Was gefällt dir am meisten an Channable?
Channable definitely makes feed management easier and faster. Some of the positives of the tool are:
– even if you are a complete beginer (as I was), you get to understand how the tool works pretty quickly
– you can easily copy rules from one feed (e.g for Google Shopping) to another (e.g. Meta) and save time
– great customer support
– there is no clear preview of your final feed
– more support on advanced feed rules would be appreciated
Was könnte konkret noch an Channable verbessert werden?
One of the biggest pain points that I have had since I started using Channable 2 years ago is that you don’t get a preview of the final feed in a table (that you can actually read and understand) but only as an xml file… that unlike Neo from the Matrix I cannot really quiet get.
The work around is to create a final Test rule in the Rules section and click on preview there. This is not ideal though…
Welche Herausforderungen löst du mit Channable?
As a Performance Marketer in an agency I get to work with a lot of different clients each of which has a different product feed. Channable helps me standardize the feeds so it is easier for the team to work with them.
Also adapting the source feed to the requirements to all kinds of different platforms is a no-brainer. Some of the platforms that we have used are: Google Shopping, Meta, Pinterest, Kelkoo, idealo, Amazon.